Monday, August 11, 2008

McCain for President...Back to Indecision 2008...

I had an epiphany tonight...I have a bad temper...I curse...I understand McCain...He's the one I trust...I've made my decision...Obama got too close to me...He is an invader of privacy and he does not have the one thing that means the most to me in a politican, integrity...I realize that I blogged about Awearness blog with Kenneth Cole, but I came to a decision because I felt stabbed in the back by him all because he couldn't deal with the fact that I'm a hoodrat and he doesn't feel Black enough...I' m colorblind...That's the problem with him..He's got the classic case of standing behind anyone who has some credibility, but when they are too hot, he backs off and doesn't stand his ground...He doesn't think about giving back to all people, he thinks about himself...He would be a bad selfish President...I think he would be a fairweather frienemy...Sorry, Barrack, you're not a nice person...By the way, I consider myself a citizen of the world and I'm not concerned with what race I should appeal to...I'm just myself...

By the way, if you want to appeal to the hiphop community, you better understand that the only thing that ties graff to the other elements is battling...Come correct!

Revised 10.20.08...Though I can say the last debate was in McCain's favor, I've done some more deliberation and realized that I don't like McCain either. After Colin Powell's endorsement of Obama, I've had to reevaluate my quick judgment. Still trying to figure it out as the date approaches because though the healthcare reform issue is important, Obama seemed to falter on international political discussion topics as well as energy and environment issues. I am glad to hear McCain agreed that "No Child Left Behind" had a lot of issues too...idealistic as it is...

Friday, August 08, 2008


So I was sitting at a cafe (Rooz) using my computer with earphones in and all of a sudden this lurking head appears and grabs onto the screen part of the computer...I grabbed the other end, but he had a better grip because the table was in the way, we struggled and he leveraged it away and ran down the street around the corner up the hill on E.19th and Park Blvd. to a tan goldish Honda '86 car with two people waiting there (according to two eyewitnesses)...It was too late to catch up with the culprit because I had to double back to get my bag...Anyways, I found out there's a software called Lojack for Laptops (Computrace)...Now maybe there might be protection for those innocents who just want to go sit at an internet cafe and not be so apprehensive that something bad might happen...I recommend it for everyone who has a laptop...Thanks to Amanda, the Mas and my silver lining...