Friday, April 03, 2009

Monsters vs. Aliens in 3D Review...

I was excited about this movie since I saw the trailer so my brother Steven and I went to see this today...In Lincoln Square in the city...It was okay...(The first two minutes of the movie were amazing though)...Even if it were meant for kids, the story was a bit too predictable and I think that without great script comedy writing, it falls a little flat...A few of the voices were on point, but honestly, it could've been better casted in some spots, i.e. the President's voice...Dreamworks, it wasn't exactly Kung Fu Panda, but not everything can be Kung Fu Panda I guess...It was okay, like I said...The idea of bringing back the classic movie monsters who were a bit more obscure was a good one, however the alien enemy was a bit over the top...

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